My First Listener Q&A - 047

Today, I’m giving thanks! Thanks to you with my first Q&A episode! Also, A very special guest!
Listener appreciation show!
This week is all about the listener! We have been having so much fun with our Sunday at 5pm Q&A livestreams that I wanted to bring it to the podcast.
Today, with the help of Chris Ward, moderator of The Play Guitar Facebook Group, We tackle the questions of our great listeners. We also get to know a bit of Chris’s musical background.
Thanks to all for the great questions. If your questions didn’t get answered, don’t worry. They are in the queue for the next Q&A show.
The questions answered in this episode were:
1. Doris C. – Of all my fingers the pinky is the hardest to strengthen. Any suggestions for this? And, what chords are good to practice at first that are easy transitions?
2. Chad B. – Any tips about developing a lighter touch in the left hand would be greatly appreciated!
3. Hal V. – Pick versus fingers (Mark Knopfler/Derek Trucks). Advantages/Disadvantages, guitars/PU’s that favor one or the other?
4. Eli A. – Chord substitution 101
5. Jason P. – Who inspired YOU to play, Lee? Dream guitar?
6. Hal V. – Everybody is talking about dry weather low humidity and my guitars are going to get ruined? How serious is this? Must everything go in a hard shell case? Do I need to buy a hydration system for my case? Haven’t guitars generally lived in homes before 50 dollar hygrometers and gel packs or custom cabinets were invented?
7 – Thanh N. – There are some songs I’ve noticed that have a major chord go into a minor chord. What’s going on there in terms of key signature? What Roman numeral chord does this technique work best for?
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