Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




Should I Upgrade My Guitar or Buy New? – 145

Should I upgrade my guitar or should I buy a new or used one?

Well, that depends on two things.

1. The guitar you already have
2. What your current situation is.

Taking b...

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Finding the Time for Guitar - 144

You dream of playing your guitar but you don't have the time.

Sound familiar? Today, I give you three tips to find the time you need to get great at guitar

Another week ...

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Lydian Licks for Guitar - 143

In this podcast, I've got five licks that show different ways you can use the Lydian mode in rock music. I'll also show you how they are constructed and how you can take t...

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Lydian Mode - 142

Today, I introduce what Lydian is, where you would play it, and how to play the Lydian mode.


Lydian is not an easy mode to demonstrate. There aren't tons of popular so...

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Low Gain Lead Tones - 141

Today I go over how to build and use three awesome low gain lead tones.


When you think of lead guitar, distortion comes to mind. But, some of the most popular lead gui...

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Mixolydian Licks - 140

Are you learning Mixolydian mode on guitar but it just doesn't sound right yet?

Check out these seven Mixolydian licks for a guideline to incorporating this awesome sound...

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What's the Mixolydian Mode? - 139

Getting into modes can be difficult to wrap your head around. Today, I get you started with the what, where, and how of the easiest mode to learn: The Mixolydian mode.


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How Do Scale Patterns Work? - 138

On guitar, we learn scales visually without any idea what the notes are and what their function is.

Today, I'm going to show a different way of starting to play scale pat...

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Getting Your Head Right - 137



Let's get our heads on straight by really understanding why we play guitar and why it's so easy to get off course, and what we can do to relax and achieve at the sam...

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Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs - 136

Being able to use Hammer-ons and Pull-offs effectively can take your lead playing to the next level.

***Don't forget to grab your FREE copy of my Hammer-On and Pull-Off p...

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If You Listen to Only One Episode... This Is the One – 135

Today, I share with you the two most powerful things I've found that will get you out of your guitar rut and help you to experience consistent progress, and I'm pretty sur...

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How to Get Into Recording - 134

Have you thought about getting into recording but were unsure where to start?


Things are changing. A lot of the things that we were used to are not part of our lives a...

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