Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




Learning Legato Guitar - 025

On today's episode, it’s all about smooth, flowing legato technique on the guitar. I give an overview of this technique and some ways to get started using it in your own playi...

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Speed Up Your Guitar Playing - 024

Being able to play faster isn't out of your reach. Join me today and find out which small adjustments you can make to speed up your guitar playing.


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Chord Tone Soloing - 023

Today, I introduce Chord Tone Soloing! It's a way to build your melodies based on the strongest notes, the ones that are contained in the chord that is currently playi

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Blues Electric Guitar Tone - 022

Today, I continue my blues guitar mini series talking about tone, what gear to get, and some tips to use it effectively.


Classic Gear

On today’s e

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Best Blues Chords for Guitar Players – 021

Make sure you know the chords you need to play the blues!

On today's episode I work my way through the chords you will find when you are playing blues

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Understanding Blues Guitar - 020

Not knowing how the Blues works could be the thing that is holding you back from progressing in Rock, Jazz, Country, and many other types of guitar based music. Today, I help ...

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Effects Pedals, the Path to Great Guitar Tone: Part 3 - 019

Today, I’m talking Pedals, Pedals, and more Pedals!

Effects Pedals


I love guitar pedals. They are such fun. Get a few well researched pedals and

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Amplifiers, the Path to Great Guitar Tone: Part 2 - 018

Once you understand how classic amps are used for different styles of music, you will be able to make better decisions with your own gear


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The Path to Great Guitar Tone: Part 1 - 017

Today, I start down the path to great guitar tone. It’s all about what guitar to get for the style that you want to play.

Getting the right guitar for...

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Trapped in the Pentatonic Box - 016

Today I’m going to share a technique that I use to help guitarists who can’t seem to get past playing pentatonic scales.



On todays

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Bust Out of Your Guitar Plateau! - 015

Today, I help players get through the dreaded Guitar Plateau. I break down the reasons that this might happen and what you can do to bust through your guitar rut!

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How to Make Your Guitar Solos Sound Better - 014

Today, I answer the question: How do I make my guitar solos sound better!


What’s holding lead guitarists back?


On todays episode titled: How

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