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9 Roadmap Certifications
Your complete STEP-BY-STEP guitar course roadmap. Advance through each level on your way to guitar mastery.

Start HERE Guitar! - 101
The Start HERE Guitar! beginner course is the most well-rounded beginner training on the internet. You'll learn the essential guitar basics and musical foundations that will support decades of successful playing and songwriting.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Solid Strumming - 102
Your next step is Solid Strumming. Add more complex chords to your bag of tricks and learn to strum them in any style of music. You'll understand how rhythm is broken down and how you can you can use that to your advantage... no matter what style of music you are playing.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Bar Chords and Blues - 201
Entering the 200 level, Bar Chords and Blues is the gateway course to intermediate guitar. Opening up the fretboard with bar chords and using the Blues to apply them is "THE" quickest way to understand not just the Blues, but all forms of popular music. This training will change your musical life and move your progress into high-gear!
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Welcome to Lead Guitar - 202
To take on Lead Guitar, a solid, well-planned system that gives you the foundational skills on day 1 will save you years of frustration. Completing certification in Welcome to Lead Guitar will have you playing the Minor Pentatonic scale over the entire fretboard. You'll learn basic phrasing and how to play your own licks and understand the licks of other players.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Major Scale Over the Whole Guitar - 203
Being able to play the Major Scale in any key and at any position is something that most players will never be able to do. Once you complete Major Scale Over the Whole Guitar you will use this "unfair advantage" to throw gasoline on your progress and move past the typical intermediate player. This is your launching pad for many different sounds and it's a skill that you'll use and cherish for the rest of your life.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Major Pentatonic Mileage - 204
Not only will you learn your Major Pentatonic scales across the fretboard, but this is my framework system for playing strong notes (chord tone) over chord changes. You will know how to take a basic scale (major pentatonic) in any key and adapt it to highlight the strong notes over each chord you play over. I can't stress enough how important this is for lead guitar and it will change the way you approach improv and songwriting forever.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Putting Things in Sequence - 205
Now that you are skilled at targeting chord tones, the next step is to learn devices that add interest to your solos and licks. Putting Things in Sequence teaches you the essential skill of using sequences to turn your aimless scale work into melodic masterpieces. This changed my playing forever and I know it will for you too.

Chord Foundations - 206
A 206-level player has a strong knowledge of the chords and scales that are used in 99% of the songs you know and love. It's time to level up your knowledge in preparation for becoming an advanced guitarist. Chord Foundations teaches you to stop relying on others for your chords. You'll be able to build your own chords by understanding the notes, intervals, and harmony that make up the chords you are already using.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership

Minor Scale Workout - 207
The full Minor Scale that's commonly found in Jazz, Hard Rock, and Latin music isn't just the sad-sounding scale. It's the starting point for learning the different modes of the Major Scale. In this comprehensive course, you will learn to play all positions and all keys of the Natural and Harmonic Minor Scale. You will also learn to make adjustments to these scales when you are playing over non-diatonic chords.
Retail Price: $149 - Included with Membership
The Academy Podcast - Season 1
The perfect Roadmap companion! The Academy Podcast goes in-depth and actionable on the subjects that you need to know. Advance your skill set with these focused one-time trainings that will allow you to boost your playing skills right away.

Exploring Vibrato Techniques
Let's explore all of the different types of vibrato and how to use them effectively.

Practice Routines for Bar Chord Mastery
Here are some sample practice routines to help you master bar chords in no time at all.

Chord Symbols and Notation
Today I run through most of the common Chord Symbols that you will find learning popular music.

How to Become a Melodic Soloist
Aimless guitar solos are a thing of the past when you use these tips for melodic solos everytime.

Expanding Your Chord Vocabulary
This is one of my favorite chord sessions. Let's take a simple Major triad and make the small changes to it to turn it into any chord we want... Powerful!

Visualization Exercises For Fretboard Mastery
Here are my favorite ways to incorporate fretboard mastery exercises in your daily practice.

Hybrid Picking
From practical tips on hand positioning to effective coordination exercises, we'll explore everything you need to know to master hybrid picking and enhance your solos and melodies.

How to Improve Your Guitar's Playability on Your Own
Tired of feeling like your guitar is holding you back? Here are simple solutions that you can do yourself to improve your guitar's playability.

Strategy For Smoother Chord Switching
Explore the common challenges of chord switching and get my essential tips and tricks to help you overcome them.
Here's What Members Are Saying:

"He’s the real deal. He is truly passionate about seeing you succeed!"
Jim L.

"I am 10 times the player I was and feel I can now hold my own."
Chris W.

"I have improved more over the past year following Lee’s roadmap than I had in the previous 5 years!"
Marty M.

"I encourage anyone who is on the fence about joining PGA to get a running start and hop on over."
Evan R.
The Best COMMUNITY For Connected Learners and Players
Our integrated Woodshed community is made up of extremely skilled and helpful guitarists who have "been there and done that." We are ready to answer all of your guitar and music questions at any time, no matter where in the world you are from.

Try Play Guitar Academy for $1 for 14 Days.
A message from Lee Anderson:
Owner and instructor of Play Guitar Academy
Hey there Player!
If you are ready, today can be the very last day of your guitar frustration!
Since you are reading this, I'm sure you know what a struggle learning the guitar has become.
With the 24/7 information firehose and the self-guided à la carte method of picking disjointed videos to learn from, it's harder than ever to get good at guitar.
Since the YouTube guitar explosion, I've been helping frustrated players make sense of the chaos and I've shown them the path to real, steady, and predictable results.
You see, the guitar isn't difficult it's just not obvious. It's not the user-friendly experience that we have all become used to.
The skills you learn... MUST be learned in order. They build upon each other. When you do that, things speed up VERY QUICKLY!