Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




How to Build a Solo That Tells a Story - 408

Great solos don’t just ramble—they tell a story that grabs the listener’s attention. In this episode, I’ll break down how to build a solo with direction, emotion, and purpose,...

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The Blues Trick You NEED to Know: CALL and RESPONSE Soloing

▶▶ FREE Blues Soloing Course - https://www.playguitaracademy.com/bluessolobreakthrough

Struggling to make your blues solos sound natural and expressive? In this lesson, I’...

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5 Licks to Target the RIGHT Notes in Your Blues Solos

Hitting the right notes in your solos isn’t about luck—it’s about knowing what to target. In this episode, I’ll show you five essential licks that lock into the chord tones...

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Breaking Down Advanced Blues Techniques - 407

If you’re ready to take your blues playing beyond the basics, this episode is for you! I’m breaking down advanced techniques—like chromatic passing tones, double-stops, and...

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5 Beginner Blues Jam Survival Tips – Don’t Get Lost!

Walking into a blues jam for the first time? It’s easy to feel lost in the mix, but with these five survival tips, you’ll know exactly what to do, how to fit in, and how to...

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5 Steps to Sound GREAT at Your First BLUES JAM - 406

Stepping into your first blues jam can be nerve-wracking, but with the right approach, you’ll sound like you belong from the first note. In this episode, I’m breaking down ...

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Building Confidence with Improvised Solos - 405

Struggling with confidence in your blues solos? In this episode, I’ll show you how to go from hesitant, weak playing to strong, intentional solos in just 30 days. With a st...

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Improvising Like a Pro: Blues Guitar Solo Tips - 48

Are your blues solos sounding weak or aimless? It’s time to fix that! Today, I’ll show you five essential techniques that will instantly make your solos sound stronger, mor...

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The Ultimate Blues Lead Guitar Practice Routine

Still stuck playing the same old blues licks? This practice routine will fix your bad habits, unlock real soloing skills, and finally make your playing sound pro.



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Here's Why You're Stuck - And How to Fix It! - 404

You're practicing, learning new licks, and still not improving—why? In this episode, I’ll show you the real reason you’re stuck and how to break through to the next level.

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This 1 EASY Trick Will Make Your Solos Instantly Better

Want to make your solos stand out? The secret is how you use dynamics. Today, I’ll show you five killer licks that will instantly bring your solos to life!



▶▶ Blue...

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The Secret to Expressive Solos (That Most Guitarists Ignore) - 403

Most guitarists focus too much on notes and not enough on expression. In this episode, I reveal the secret to expressive solos and why dynamics, phrasing, and space make al...

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