Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




Switching Between Acoustic and Electric - 124

Did you know that you are really learning two different instruments and both require a very different approach?

"Wait, I didn't sign up for this! I thought I was learning...

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Welcome Back to the Guitar - 123

Welcome Back!

Have you decided that now is the time to give it another shot? Have you always, in the back of your mind, wished that your first experience on the guitar we...

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Playing Fills In Between Chords - 122

How do you make fills between chords that sound great?

This week, the community decided the topic, and I was happy to deliver. Check out this hour long episode about the wa...

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Playing in the Style of David Gilmour – 121

What is it about David Gilmour's playing that makes it so unique?

Well, in this week's live podcast, I decided to find out. With a lot of help from the Play Guitar Communit...

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The REAL Way to Learn to Play Guitar – 120

A big question: What's the way to really get results with the guitar?

Learning the guitar looks easy, but I'm sure you know by now, it's not. It's a challenge and some pl...

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Playing Chords in the Style of Jimi Hendrix – 119


Ever tried to learn those cool chord embellishments that Jimi Hendrix played? Check out today's podcast and learn all about  the way he approached rhythm guitar.



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Fun Guitar Practicing Ideas - 118

How do we make the most of guitar practice and not get burned out. Today, I share some great ideas to make your time with the guitar very effective and very fun.



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Getting Better at Chords - 117

Want to move your chord playing forward, but you’re not sure what to work on?Today as part of the guitar 30 challenge, I’m sharing my roadmap to chord master, from start to ...

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Return of the Guitar 30 Challenge! - 116

It’s back! Join me this month for my 2nd annual practice challenge. This may be the perfect time to ramp up your guitar skills and see the benefits of a solid routine.


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Strategies For Practicing Guitar - 115


Having a hard time knowing what to practice? You aren't alone. Today, i go over my three practice strategies that will have you covered, no matter what you are going thro...

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Interview With Island Styles From Candlebox - 114


Join me today for this  really fun interview with Island Styles.

Island is a fantastic guitarist who plays with Candlebox and jimmie's Chicken Shack.

We talk about be...

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Surround Yourself With the Right People - 113

Dealing with people can be difficult when playing music. 

This is the other stuff!

This is what most don't think about when they start to become musicians.

We tend to foc...

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