Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




F Major Chord, Practice Partner, Keeping Time, Arpeggios In Soloing, Fast Blues Licks - 078

In today’s episode, I answer these great questions:


1.Any tips to improve the F major Bar chord?

2. Any tips on finding someone to practice with?

3. Any tips o

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Pinch Harmonics, Pentatonics in Different Keys, Low Level Amps - 077

In today’s episode, I answer these great questions:


1. Do you have any exercises for pinch harmonics?
2. What’s a good way to play pentatonic
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Fingerpicking, Switching Chords, Compressors, Gates, and Expanders - 076

In today’s episode, I answer three great questions from listeners



Today's questions are:
1. Can you tell me a little about fingerpicking and hybrid picking?
2. Wh...
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Rehearsals, Blues Chords, Arpeggios, Rhythm and Lead Together - 075

This week I answer four great questions from listeners



Today's questions are:
1. How to have a good sounding rehearsal?
2. When you play smaller blues chords, w...
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Pentatonic Tips, Next Steps, Ear Training, Finger Exercises - 074

In today’s episode, I answer four more questions from listeners.



Today's questions are:
1. Do you have any tips to help to learn the five pentatonic shapes?
2. ...
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Pedals Into Modeling, Capo Keys, Patterns, Creating Licks. Q&A #7 - 073

In episode #7 of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer four more questions from listeners


 Today's question are:
1. Does it make sense to use an overdrive p...
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Minor Diatonic Chords, Recording Guitar, and Guitar Tone. Q&A #6 - 072

In episode #6 of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer three more questions from listeners


Today's questions are: 
1. What are the differences between ma...
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Mixing Pentatonics, Scales, Strumming, Vibrato. and Raking Strings. Q&A5 - 071

In episode #5 of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer five more questions from listeners


Today's questions are:
1. Best way to mix minor and major penta
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Speed, Loop Pedals, Ear Training, and Pedals vs. Modelers. Q&A #4 - 070

In episode #4 of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer four more questions from listeners


 The questions for this week are:
1. Tips for building speed on legato sec
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Playing Solo, Scale Notes, Jamming, Practice, and Riffs Q&A#3 - 069

In episode #3 of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer five more questions from listeners.


The questions for today are:


1. What to do when you have no on...
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Mixing Styles, Palm Mutes, Keys, and YouTube Q&A #2 - 068

In the second episode of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer four more questions from listeners.


The questions for this week are: 

1. How to mix what y...

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Solos, Licks, Fretboard, and Songs. Spring Q&A #1 - 067

In this first episode of my spring bonus Q&A series, I answer four great questions from listeners. 



The questions today are: 

  • 1. How do you make your solos sou...
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